
Uniform 2020?

Uniform 2020?

This year we are looking into the possibility of changing the design/appearance our the club’s uniform.

The first part of this process was a basic survey to begin getting feedback and to help set some design constraints.

Based on the results of our initial survey any NEW designs need to comply with the following:
A) Either dark green or red playing top.
B) Design can be sublimated (full colour) or traditional tackle twill.
C) Pants are to remain grey and the red hat and R logo will not be changing (minimise the expense for players – majestic pullovers, polo shirts etc.)

We are now at the stage that we need to decide on what colour or uniform top will be.
A vote/survey has been set up on team app and we ask anyone who wants their say to login and place their vote. (Closes Wednesday 14th August at 5pm).

Please note that team app can be accessed through a web browser and you do not need to install the app to join. Notifications can/will be sent to the email address you use to register.

We will announce the results next week and then ask for design submissions which the committee will consider.
Several chosen options will then be presented at Senior Presentation Night (and on team app) for members to make a final vote on.

Spread the word as we want as much feedback from our members as possible.

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