
Senior Teams: Round 8, 28th May

Senior Teams: Round 8, 28th May

Its the first of our Sinners Functions at home where we take on Watsonia. Fingers (and everything else) crossed that the weather settles and we all get a game in. Winter is finally here by the look of it.

If you are listed but unavailable, please let the manager of the team know ASAP.
If you are available but not listed, please contact Adam Bright or Michael Legg.

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Home V Watsonia 2:25pm

W. DeJong
B. Findlay
J. Evans
J. Swanton
M. Barrett
O. Dunn
A. Whiteford
L. Cartwright
J. Bent
M. Oxworth

Home V Watsonia 12:15pm

R. Hodgson
K. Kingston
G. Kingston
M. Whiting
A. Araujo
B. Hodgson
M. McDermott
T. Fitton
G. Wilkinson
A. Bright

Manager: Adam Bright
Ph: 0403 150 919
Manager: Matthew Barrett


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Away V Watsonia 2:25pm

A. Holloway
S. Crebbin
A. White
B. Hayes
K. Linley
J. Rogers
J. Wolstencroft
M. Legg

Away V Watsonia 12:15pm

M. Stanfield
M. Gregory
R. Dunstan
L. Painter
E. Stones
W. Macrokanis
T. Passlow
A. Barker
M. Miles

Manager: Michael Legg
0402 902 418
Manager: Jonathon Rogers
0410 692 010


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(Old Boys)

Home V Mitchell Majors 12:15pm


Away V Melb.Uni 2:25pm

S. Santura
S. Maggs
D. McKenzie
S. Rowe
J. Callow
B. Tyzzer
C. Reid
R. Pal
P. Illustrisimo
D. Better
J. Cooper

Manager: TBC Managers: Millsy
0417 038 433



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