Junior Games: 9th May 2015
Junior fixture for all teams are still being finalised by the MWBL administration. Once the full fixtures of all our teams are completed we will provide the necessary links. Here are your ground locations for this Saturday’s games:
Ringwood Saints Milestones an Incredible Feat
Congratulations to three of our members who notched up milestones recently – all on the same week.
Paul Tyndall played his 500th game for the Saints, Rod Moore 600 and Peter Rogers hit the huge milestone of 900 games.
Junior Games: 2nd May 2015
Here are your ground locations for this Saturday’s games. Under 17 & 15 games commence at 8.45am. Under 13 and Rookie Ball commence at 9am. Please be at the ground one hour before the game start time. Players should always bring a warm jacket and a drink bottle to all games.
Junior Games: 18th April 2015
Good luck to our junior teams this week. We have a number of players playing their first ever game of baseball.
At this point in time full junior fixtures will not be on the MWBL website until all teams or competitions are finalised. This weeks games are…
2015 Junior Season Info
The start of the season is only a few weeks away, below is some information for our junior members.
Play for FREE* in 2015
*All senior playing members that return their completed registration form and pay their fees in full by 6pm on April 11th 2015 will go into the draw to have their fees refunded in full.
Preseason Training
Senior preseason training starts on Saturday 21st March will run each Saturday form 10am until the start of the season.
2014 Senior Presentation Night
Congratulations to all the award winners at our 2014 Senior Presentation Night, especially Alison Rogers and Sue Crebbin were both presented with Life Memberships (and about time too!).
Congratulations to our new Life Members
After many years of invaluable service, Alison Rogers & Sue Crebbin were both awarded Life Membership at our recent Senior Presentation Night.
2014 Junior Awards Night
Held on Friday 12th September, our Junior Awards night was a chance to gather as a club and recognise and acknowledge the performances and contributions of our players, coaches, scorers and helpers who made 2014 a great season for the Saints.